Latest News
The Bedworth Society Committee wish all our members, past and present, a Merry Christmas, and Happy 2025.
As we head into the colder weather, the Heritage Centre will close for a few weeks, but we hope to re-open in February, and will announce the next exhibition soon.
We now have a Facebook page for The Bedworth Society and Heritage Centre. Find out the latest news and photographs of old Bedworth.
Follow the link from the Facebook icon at the top of the page.
The Bedworth Society has no paid staff - we are all volunteers.
If you would like to join our volunteers, please contact Lynda Burton on 0770 7093335 or email
You may like to help steward in the Heritage Centre or help serve refreshments after the meetings. Perhaps you have IT skills and could help maintain the website.
We would love to hear from you.
Membership forms for 2025 will be available soon, along with the newsletter giving details of meetings in the New Year.
For those forward thinking people who have bought a 2025 calendar - meeting dates in 2025 are 6 January, 3 February, 3 March (AGM), 7 April, 12 May and 2 June. Please let us know if you there is a speaker you think would like to come along to a meeting, or anything you would like to hear about. Just contact our Chair, Lynda Burton (details below)
A newsletter will be available soon detailing events in 2025.
Lynda Burton can be contacted on 0770 7093335 or email